There's plenty to see and do at the estuary.
The estuary walkway provides beautiful views, and there are signs along the way providing information about some of the birds you might see.
There is a lot of interesting wildlife at the estuary. As well as birds, the estuary is also home to some interesting plants and is an important habitat for native fish.
The Manawatū Estuary Trust enjoys giving people the opportunity to learn more about this amazing environ
Beach Mysteries
A walk along the Foxton beach following a high tide or a storm event can be rewarding, although sometimes rather sad, depending on what has been washed up. For the most part findings consist mainly of shells but by keeping your eyes peeled, some other interesting items can be observed, a few of which are given below. Storms can cause devastation for some creatures, particularly sea birds and to a lesser extent Cetaceans (whales and dolphins) so please report these if found. Forms and contact details are given under the Research tab.
Bluebottle Physalia spp
Not every summer but most, there is mass strandings of Bluebottles. Often called Jellyfish, they are actually a group of organisms each with a particular part to play in ensuring its survival and are termed Siphonophores.
Unlike true jellyfish which are mobile in their own right, Bluebottles have no mechanism to achieve this and rely solely on wind for their movement.
The sting of this species can be quite painful, and care should be taken when a "bloom" comes ashore.
Ram's Horn Shell Spirula spirula
Although this seems very shell-like, it is in fact the internal flotation mechanism of a species of deep-water squid. This is a tiny species, reaching a length of only 45 mm and living at depths of up to 1000 m.
These shells are extremely light and very buoyant, floating on the surface they are carried on the ocean currents and turn up in their hundreds on beaches.
The live squid is capable of emitting a green light from a photophore (cell) located at the tip of its mantle.
By-the-wind Sailor Velella velella
This is another species of Siphonophore which is periodically washed up on local beaches at certain times of the year but not in great numbers as with Bluebottles.
A thin semicircular fin is set diagonally across the float and this acts like a sail which catches the wind and moves these creatures over great distances.
The sting of this species is not that strong but handling should be avoided.
Kōpūwaitōtara/Porcupine Fish Allomycterus pilatus
One of the more unusual sights seen around the tide line is this heart-shaped structure. It is the swim bladder of the Porcupine Fish. Occasionally the intact body of this spiny fish is also found.
Porcupine Fish are a more common species in northern Aotearoa New Zealand than in the south. It is a species frequenting depths of up to 100 m.
They are able to inflate their body when threatened and if found on the beach, avoid as they contain a toxin.
Sambar Deer Rusa unicolor
This species of deer is only found on the North Island and the Manawatū/Whanganui region is one of two strongholds for this species, the other being Hawke's Bay.
Tracks can often be seen in the sand and is generally the only sign these animals are in the area. It is thought they periodically cross the river a low tide.
They are an introduced species and in their homeland of Southeast Asia they are classified as vulnerable.