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This page is under contruction and will be continually up-dated with additional information added as it becomes available.
A checklist of species recorded from the area is included here. Information is basic and continually updated with links given by the usual method to a wealth of additional information. Headings and columns A and B are locked, so are always visible. Web address links are edited to fit within the static species columns. List can be downloaded, and additions added for personal use be "save as". These will not be saved to web.
broun's sand beet.jpg
Broun"s Sand Beetle  Lagrioda brouni
Endemic. Not assessed.

Very little is known about this reasonably common species of beetle.

It is mainly associated with driftwood, being found either beneath it or in inside crevices.

Mainly observed either as solitary individuals, small groups or, on occasions, congregating in groups of a dozen or so.

iNaturalist-Broun's Sand Beetle
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