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Kōtare/Sacred Kingfisher Todiramphus sanctus

Native. Not threatened.


A common bird throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. Found in small numbers around the estuary being seen most frequently perched on posts, branches and power lines, a particular favourite spot.

They feed on a variety of prey types

such as crabs, fish and large insects

but other species are eaten as they 

become seasonally available.

Kingfishers mostly catch their food

by plunging from perches. These

favoured spots can have pellets, the 

undigested parts of their diet,

beneath and are an indicator of what

they have been eating.

They nest in a hollow excavated in a

stump or bank where up to five eggs

are laid. The photograph opposite was taken in a Foxton garden.

                                                                                                            nzbirdsonline-Sacred Kingfisher

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