There's plenty to see and do at the estuary.
The estuary walkway provides beautiful views, and there are signs along the way providing information about some of the birds you might see.
There is a lot of interesting wildlife at the estuary. As well as birds, the estuary is also home to some interesting plants and is an important habitat for native fish.
The Manawatū Estuary Trust enjoys giving people the opportunity to learn more about this amazing environ

Päpaka/Tunnelling Mud Crab Austrohelice crassa
Endemic. Not assessed.
A frequently seen animal on the mudflats around the estuary which is easily observed from the viewing platform on Dawick Street. As their name suggests they are enthusiastic tunnellers and can have a very complex burrow system which they diligently clean out at low tide.
Scavengers by nature, they will eat not only carrion, worms and algae (seaweed) but also rummage through mud for morsels to eat.
As far as mud crabs go, they are a small species with a carapace (shell) growing to a maximum of 40mm. Eyes are on stalks, and these are reputed to see movement up to 40 metres distance but even so, they are a favourite prey of kōtare/kingfishers around the estuary which hunt them from perched on tree debris or other structures that provide them with some elevation.
iNaturalist-Tunneling Mud Crab