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There's plenty to see and do at the estuary.
The estuary walkway provides beautiful views, and there are signs along the way providing information about some of the birds you might see.
There is a lot of interesting wildlife at the estuary. As well as birds, the estuary is also home to some interesting plants and is an important habitat for native fish.
The Manawatū Estuary Trust enjoys giving people the opportunity to learn more about this amazing environ
Aotearoa New Zealand is not well represented by native terrestrial (land) mammals with neither of the two species of bat being recorded in the area. Introduced exotic species, however, are an ever-present problem with Brown and Black Rats, House Mice, Weasel, Stoat, Ferret and Hedgehog being the main culprits, all capable of impacting on local wildlife. Some control of these species takes place around areas of the Ramsar site such as Fernbird Flats, but little is done elsewhere. A page is being developed with information on how to control some of these species and where to go for expert advice, plus other valuable information.
Marine mammals are more numerous around the coasts and several species can be seen at certain times of the year. Sightings can be useful to record so if you are fortunate enough to witness these enigmatic creatures please report using this form. Most however are recorded as either beach wrecks (fatalities) or strandings. Report whale or dolphin incidents to the DoC emergency hotline 0800 DOC HOT (0800 362 468).
A checklist of species recorded from the area is included here. Information is basic and continually up-dated with links given by the usual method to a wealth of additional information. Headings and columns A and B are locked, so are always visible. This checklist follows a recognised international format and may not follow any that are used in Aotearoa New Zealand. Web address links are edited to fit within the static species columns. List can be downloaded and additions for personal use be "save as". These will not be saved to web.
Kekeno/Australasian Fur Seal
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